Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Academic Leadership Assignment

Leo Abedian
1) "In our first two weeks, you have read two articles, seen several videos and been engaged in several discussions related to the concept of academic leadership. At this point, and in your own words, what does the concept mean to you?

Academic Leadership is a class in which shows the purpose of academic success. Throughout this week of attending academic leadership I ensure that the concept of the subject is to demonstrate the new ideas and ways of using 21st century devices for an academic purpose. It is as well a new way of demonstrating students, modern ways of showing their academic development.

2) What subjects or interests do you have a sophisticated, intellectual understanding of that you may want to turn into a major academic project in this class?

I would like to do a major project on how skateboarding began. I think it would seem interesting because i love skateboarding and surfing and it would be cool to know the history of it and how it started. It would also be cool to see how the first skateboard looks like.

3) How do people sometimes abuse academic knowledge to manipulate others?

People use academic knowledge to manipulate others because of the knowledge that the person has is at a level that most people lack of. These knowledgeable people believe in cultural conformity of the group of people that they deal with daily. By having more understanding, the person can conquer and demand people to do what ever he shall ask. It can also make others believe on what they believe. An example of manipulation through knowledge can be through teachers. The professor has so much knowledge that the student will eventually want to believe in what he or she says, do what he or she does, and think what he or she thinks. But the teacher would probably do this in a good way, as if they were the student's role model.

4) How would you feel if someone used your work to manipulate others (as Jared Diamond claims Mitt Romney has)?

If someone used my work to manipulate others it would depend on the way that the person uses the work to manipulate. If it was used in a good way I would allow the person to do that. But if it was used in a bad way, for example to rule the world or something then no I wouldn't because of the consequences that would occur to the human population.

5) How can creating academically sophisticated, intellectual leaders help prevent such people from taking advantage of others the way they do?

It would help because they will be knowledgeable leaders because they will know right form wrong and also the major consequences of a leadership in which people don't have freedom of opinion, thought, and lack of knowledge.

6) How can this create a stronger democratic society?" 

This would create a stronger democratic society because the society will have more knowledge to choose their own leader and to go after this leader to fulfill the societies needs and desires.

1 comment:

  1. Leo,

    The formatting of your response is a little confusing and could look better. Make sure your posts use one font consistently.
